“Missed connection” is the tag affixed to the now coveted section. Well, I think “Missed, yet can find the beautiful again” should be more like it, though long.
Posting an ad online and specifically on the section called Missed Connection, I wondered why and what I had done. I kind off expected a miracle or something of the sort, though it seemed a distant dream, enough to meet my life that had become miserable.
Of course miracles do happen and the guys who have posted the same are so many. The testimonials and success stories from them are also clear testimony that what they sought out to get, they did.
In the dance floor, you may have gotten too drunk to realize that you had dropped the number, damn! Or shyness got the better of you and you simply forgot to ask the number in the first place. You begin raking your brain, wondering the color of his cloths and simply decrying the lost opportunity.
It has happened to me so many times; getting that sunken feeling of not giving him a greeting when he passed me by. Or maybe I was out in a drunken stupor or too disinterested to notice a thing. But, wait a minute, he kept throwing those seductive looks my way and the boyfriend he was with seemed not interested too, no kiss or embrace. The questions get even more complex, neither here nor there and bla bla bla.
The embarrassment heaped on such uncertainties can be heart wrenching and hurtful, but then, risks are often worth taking to enjoy life at the end. Grasping the opportunity as it presents itself is worth the effort because who knows it may work out and you may eventually enjoy the experience.
The first encounter with someone that disturbed your loins or initial kiss and blowjobs are things that don’t leave you that fast. My missed connection was my initial step to get into an experience that will give me a second chance just like everybody else.
“Missed connection” is the tag affixed to the now coveted section. Well, I think
“Missed, yet can find the beautiful again” should be more like it, though long.
Simply try and you may get connected again with the cute and sexy man you saw in the gay bar lat week or last night.
My resolution this year is therefore to get down and confident and simply and smilingly say howdy to the charming guy and see what happens next. Something gay may happen out of that sure and confident step; who knows.
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